As an organisation which holds personal data in the form of membership information, we are required from 28th
May 2018 to ensure compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), which are designed to
ensure more robust security and more transparency in the use of personal data.
Personal data may only be collected for a lawful purpose unless consent is given for that data to be collected and
processed. All members, by completing their application form, having entered into a contractual relationship for
FFA to provide membership services and have effectively agreed to the use of their details to ensure they receive
those services including the FFA Newsletter and periodic emails. We fulfil the terms of the GDPR in having a
lawful basis for holding and processing this data.
Name and address
Contact details, including phone numbers and email addresses
Date of birth
Details of your airstrip (if applicable and if not withheld)
Make and model of your plane (if applicable and if not withheld)
We do not hold any bank account information since the method of subscription payment is by Standing order
which is set up by the member. Where a standing order request form is sent to the FFA it is forwarded to the
member’s bank for processing.
Membership information is held securely by on a system to which only select committee members have access.
Information from the Association bank statement, specifically name, number and subscription amount, is
processed by the treasurer for the proper conduct of membership and the association’s finances.
We may use your information to process your membership, to carry out our obligations arising from your
membership, seek your views or comments on matters relating to the FFA, This information is shared with other
members of the FFA via the Website(You can request removal here), notify you of changes to our services
and send you information that may be of interest to you. This may include information about fly-ins and other
FFA related matters and information from the FFA that may be of interest.
No data is shared with any third party, unless listed within this document.
FFA does not process data for automated decision making or profiling purposes.
If FFA becomes aware of any personal data security breaches we will notify affected members as soon as
If your membership expires we will delete your electronic data. We will keep your application form for 5 years,
after which it will be destroyed unless you instruct us to delete it sooner.
If you sign up for a user account on the FFA website you do so voluntarily and your consent is assumed. You do
not need to have a user account to join FFA.
Should you wish to withdraw consent at any time please refer to the instructions below :
Please note that consent is not required for official communications such as AGM notices.
a) E-mail newsletter – click “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email
b) Paper Newsletter , Airstrip or aircraft details – please contact the secretary in writing or by e-mail.
You can access your personal data by visiting your members section on our website.
Providing the rights and freedoms of others are not affected, we will supply to you a copy of your personal data on
request to the secretary.
We will amend your data on request to the secretary.
Please note a request for data erasure for a current member would require that member to forfeit membership. The
data is required for the club to fulfil its obligations.

6.Who is your data shared with?
Member data is shared with our service providers(for storage not processing), with our committee members (to make membership decisions and manage our members) with other FFA members via the Members list, Members Map and Landstrip map and Market Place. The Email accounts, First name and Last name are shared across to our Email list supplier (for the purposes of newsletters and FFA email notifications(the supplier will never email members directly unless this is to unsubscribe or check subscriptions to FFA related emails)